Friday, October 22, 2010

The Burden of loneliness and being alone

The burden Loneliness and being alone

Loneliness is a part of growth.
Those of us who are more then one child in a family will identify with the feeling of loneliness (of course, for an infant this feeling doesn’t have a name) you felt when your mom came home with a new baby? You were looking forward to having a brother or sister but then when the baby is born everyone’s attention is focused on the baby. I remember how confused I was; now I felt like an outsider and I did not understand at all what was happening, why? Because nobody prepared me for the role I would play in the new baby’s life, which of course is sacrificing or giving p your right to attention for a few days and having to be quite and not ask for anything. Well, in many ways as an adult we are expected to behave in much the same way when something happens that makes us feel lonely.
• Growth requires giving up your rights
Giving up our rights is difficult but very necessary in order for us to grow in to healthy adults.
1. Give up the right to be right.
2. to be loved
3. to win
4. to benefits
5. to have our way
It’s a lonely place, giving up your rights causes you to feel deprived and depression sets in. But soon we see that it helped us grow.
• Growth requires quietness
Being quite is for many people a very difficult thing to do; we always think we know the answer to everything happening around us and about our lives. God sais in Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”.
1. Trust that God is able to help us.
2. Learn to be quite, practice stillness before God.
3. Read His word and learn His will.

Loneliness and our state of mind:

There are some emotional and psychological changes that the body go through when we are lonely.
1. Depression: a state of sadness. Long period of inactivity
2. loss of appetite: No desire for food
3. sleepy: to much sleep
4. lose of sleep: insomnia
5. forgetting stuff
6. tardiness
7. Backsliding from God

Finding a place to build you up

Find a place to build you into a new person with the help of a list.
Making the list: ask yourself these questions, please answer truthfully.
• What brought me to where I am right now? Write down in detail take time to think carefully and write down everything you remember.
• How does it really make me feel? Take time out, relax and allow yourself to feel. Don’t be afraid to feel the raw emotion of remembering and facing the truth of what happened to you. Allow yourself to cry, don’t hold back.
• What do I want to do about it? Whether it a right though or a wrong one write it down be honest with yourself about how you feel. Now, write down the Pro’s and Con’s about what you want to do about what happened. After you have had time to think write yourself a note: Why you will do it. Or why you will not do it.
• Pray – write down what you want to say to God. Writing it down will help you express all that you really feel. Read over you have written a few times. Ask yourself
• How do I feel now, write down you feelings.
• My way forward: write down your way forward. Scriptures to help: Romans 12:1-2 and Psalm 23 study these and take from the scriptures lessons for your daily walk with the Lord

The way forward

Finding love again
There is more to life then the way we feel when loneliness wants get us down. When we submit to the mind changing process, finding love again is easier. You will fly to new heights of joy, success and victory! The word used for “transformed” means “metamorphosis” This is the process that God wants to help us through. Similar to the process a butterfly undergoes as it escapes the confines of the chrysalis.
Join a sports centre, play tennis or volunteer your services. If you have been hurt and are afraid to go it alone, join a singles club a Christian singles introduction service like Agape Singles is safe and are run by Christians dedicated to finding suitable matches for single or divorced and widowed Christians. It’s affordable and in this way you don’t have to put yourself out there, just send your registration form in and we will do the rest.
How it works is that they No charge to add your profile to their database, its free. Then, as soon as they find people in your profile category.
South African based. They do all the work offline; members receive profile matches via email.
This way you have better control over who sees your profile because you select the picture that goes on your profile Agape Singles will set up a profile for you; if you approve and are pleased with how it looks it will be loaded on the database.

The song sais “Lonely is a man without love” woman too. Well, it doesn’t have to stay that way. Find things to do that will take your mind off the memory of what happened. Speak to your family and friends, don’t keep things bottled up inside it can course many kinds of illnesses. Good websites to get more on this subject and help is or http://www.theglobeandmaillife/health